Daily Reports




Annual Ben Scott Sports Auction To Be Done Online

CARROLLTON, GA – For the first time in over three decades, Carrollton High School’s annual Ben Scott Sports Auction will be 100 percent online in order to maintain social distancing guidelines because of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The auction went live on Saturday, Aug. 1, and will run through this Friday, Aug. 7.

The Ben Scott Sports Auction typically takes place in late March every year. This spring, however, plans were derailed after the coronavirus made its way to the United States just a few weeks before the event was to take place. Initially, the auction was rescheduled for May, but unfortunately, those plans had to be refashioned as well.

But the Trojans were still determined to have the auction this year some way, somehow. After much deliberation, the decision was made to move everything to an online platform.

In previous years, the $100 admission fee for the auction included two tickets to the event as well as all-you-can-eat hors dÂ’oeuvres and drinks throughout the night. This year, all proceeds from ticket sales will go straight to the Carrollton High School athletic booster club.

Carrollton High SchoolÂ’s former head basketball coach, Tim Criswell, has headed up the group who puts on the auction each year. Criswell expressed his thoughts about the online auction last week.

“Ben Scott’s visionary idea to have the sports auction over 30 years ago has continued to be a great success in supporting our student-athletes and athletic programs,” Criswell said. “This pandemic has given us a different opportunity to support our student-athletes with the online auction. The Trojan Nation community has always supported the auction and I hope they will continue with that support even though we are unable to physically gather together this year. I do know that together, Trojans will get through this difficult time and come out stronger than ever before.”

An item up for bidding at the auction is this basketball signed by the late Kobe Bryant. The latest bid is $425

To learn more about the Ben Scott Sports Auction or to register to participate, please visit .


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