With qualifying for several local races slated to begin next Monday, a minister of music and administration at Roopville Road Baptist Church has taken to Facebook to notify friends that he plans to seek the District Seven seat on the Carroll County Board of Education. If he wins he would replace Dr. Jon Anderson, who is not seeking re-election.
44-year old Bryant Turner resides in the Roopville community with his wife and three children.
Turner on why he decided to run, “I love our schools. My kids have been involved and I have seen such great things happen from it and when I first heard that Dr. Anderson was not going to be running again., all I could think about was that we need somebody to help us continue to elevate our schools and our school system. And to be honest with you, I just felt overwhelmed that I could be that person.”
Turner is running on a platform of security for our schools, support for our teachers, and success for our students: ” I believe if we keep safety in our schools and we give good support for our teachers, we are going to have successful students.”
The District Seven seat on the Carroll County Schools Board of Education is voted on by residents of the Central Schools cluster.