Daily Reports




Mrs. Morgan Goes To Washington

(Washington, D.C.) On Thursday, July 16, 2020 Chairman Michelle Morgan attended an Economic Briefing by President Donald J. Trump on the South Law of the White House. This briefing was attended by a small group personally invited by White House Staff to listen to remarks on President Trumps initiative to “Roll Back Regulations to Help All Americans.”

Several guest speakers who range from small town business owners to nurse practitioners spoke regarding how regulatory relief benefits their businesses and creates new jobs. The President along with Vice President Pence covered topics such as manufacturing here in America as opposed to overseas, tax cuts that could put $3,100.00 back in the homes of every American Household, Telehealth regulations that allow healthcare facilities to provide traditional care but also continue to offer telehealth visits that assists in care for patients who are the most vulnerable, and cuts down risk of exposure to COVID-19 and other illnesses.

Chairman Morgan advised in a statement, “ It was an honor to attend the White House and listen to all the speakers and to be able to discuss these topics with other Government Officials throughout the United States like myself to weigh out the pros and cons of the rollback regulations. As a business owner, I can understand and appreciate the effort made by all those who spoke to do what they think is best for America, as I try hard every day to do what is best for Carroll County and its citizens every day.”

Chairman Morgan also stated how excited she was to be able to meet with other Commissioners from throughout the State of Georgia who were in attendance to build relationships with other Counties to strengthen Carroll County’s ability to call upon them for their advice and guidance when experiencing similar issues. Chairman Morgan stated, “Relationship building, and networking is vital to the success of our County, as proved true by the strong community partners we have locally.”


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