With it looking less and less likely that Mexico will actually pay for any border wall between itself and the US, GeorgiaÂ’s third district Congressman Drew Ferguson, on Saturday, suggested that in legislation he is proposing, the wall will actually pay for itself.
“We spend over $100 billion on illegal immigration, not to mention the billions of dollars we have to spend on the opioid epidemic and the billions of dollars that we have to spend fighting human trafficking and sex trafficking. So if you build a wall then you will begin to see savings in those areas,” commented Ferguson.
Costs mentioned in Ferguson’s American Border Act, House Resolution 6415, will include $23.4 billion for border security. The money would be split to include $16.625 billion for “a border wall system along the southern border of the united states” and $6.775 billion for “infrastructure, assets, operations and technology to enhance border security” along the US- Mexico border.
Ferguson continued, “Congress will have to prioritize that. They are going to have to look at it and appropriate the money to do that. There is a formula to how that can happen but we are going to have to make some decisions.”
Ferguson proposes spending the funds to build the wall between 2019-2023. Ferguson spoke at Saturdays meeting of the Carroll County Republican Party.