by: Paula J. Burke, UGA Extension Carroll County
There are still reports coming in about armyworms in Carroll County. Our first sighting was in early July. Here is some recent info from our forage specialist Dr. Lisa Baxter:
Fall armyworms exist in multiple life cycles, so there may be multiple generations on your farm. Remember: our insecticide options only work on fall armyworms when they are 1/8 to 3/4” long caterpillars! Outside of that window, harvesting or mowing is the best option.
“What can I do for big worms?” Answer: Mow ASAP, the insecticides won’t work.
“How long do I have to continue to treat for the fall armyworm?” Answer: Fall armyworms are most common in August and September until our temperatures start to decrease and slow the spread. Keep scouting and treating where appropriate, we probably have another month of this battle!