Local Doctor Facing Computer Theft Charges

A well respected Carrollton physician–but controversial business man–is facing several charges relating to the former position. Carrollton Police have charged Family Medicine Specialist Dr. Brent Harris with five counts of Computer Crimes pertaining to Computer Invasion of Privacy and one count of Knowingly and Intentionally failing to submit Prescription information to GA Drugs and Narcotics. […]
22-Year-Old Carrollton Man Killed In Apparent Head On Motor Vehicle Collision

Authorities say a 22-year-old Carrollton man died after the dirt bike he was driving collided with a 4-wheeler on a Carroll County road Thursday evening. Georgia State Patrol Public Information Director, Lt. Mark Riley tells WLBB Radio: (at approximately 7:00pm) GSP was called to investigate a two vehicle crash on Old Four Notch Road near […]