Daily Reports




Local Doctor Facing Computer Theft Charges

A well respected Carrollton physician–but controversial business man–is facing several charges relating to the former position.

Carrollton Police have charged Family Medicine Specialist Dr. Brent Harris with five counts of Computer Crimes pertaining to Computer Invasion of Privacy and one count of Knowingly and Intentionally failing to submit Prescription information to GA Drugs and Narcotics.

Harris turned himself into authorities Thursday, where he was released on his own recognizance after promising, in writing, to appear in court for all upcoming proceedings. Harris met police along with attorney Gray Bunch.

Neither Carrollton Police nor Coweta Judicial Circuit District Attorney Herb Cranford would elaborate on the charges late Thursday. Cranford told WLBB Radio: “We will not comment on ongoing litigation.”

Under O.C.G.A. §16-9-93 (c) Any person who uses a computer or computer network with the intention of examining any employment, medical, salary, credit, or any other financial or personal data relating to any other person with knowledge that such examination is without authority shall be guilty of the crime of computer invasion of privacy.

While Harris and his clinic have been popular with patients, he has had two well-documented issues in the recent past with the city of Carrollton regarding property in which he is at least co-owner.

In 2020, Harris was unsuccessful in seeking a zoning change for the former George Washington High School property in Carrollton. Harris had hoped to open a molecular lab in the building. The request seemed to be stalling in the re-zoning process and the plan received pushback from community leaders and residents. Some shared concerns the lab could affect property values and quality of life for nearby residents. Others were hoping for a different future for the property, despite it being privately owned. Harris and his wife eventually announced they would cancel their rezoning request.

In 2019, Harris was issued a citation by the city when officials claimed the color of a building on property he owned did not meet the hues required by the city’s development ordinance.  Harris challenged the citation and the city and he  exchanged comments regarding the issue on social media. Thousands of names were signed to an online petition showing support for Harris. The city eventually withdrew the charge and the building maintains its unique color scheme.

Harris ran an unsuccessful campaign for Carrollton City Council in 2019. In March of this year, he told WLBB Radio he was considering a run for Georgia Governor. He decided against a campaign a short time later.


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