The lack of rain right now and high temperatures have already affected some pastures in the area. It got me thinking about issues related to summer, potential drought and having enough forage for your animals. Practice rotational grazing as best you can, rest your pastures, decrease your stocking rate per acre if you can, and is it time to sell some cattle (prices are high!). Take a look at a few publications and resources that I think are timely if you have livestock.
Let me know if you have questions or need help.
Forage-Drought-related publications
No predictions yet, but be prepared for drought. The last few years in the fall months have been bad. We need rain now as well.
Body Condition Scoring Beef Cows
Keep an eye on your animals body condition summer and winter
Managing Bermudagrass Stem Maggots
No reports yet but they are always here come July/August.
The never ending battle on this weed!
Understanding and Improving Forage Quality
How to take, interpret, and utilize a forage sample
Baleage: Frequently Asked Questions
Don’t forget we can come out and pull hay tests for Carroll County farmers.
Fire Ants
We have a fire ant bait spreader available for loan in Carroll County if you want to treat your land.
Fire Ant Management for Pastures & Hayfields webinar