Daily Reports




The American Legion Post 143 (Carrollton) to celebrate centennial

The American Legion is turning 100, and American Legion Post 143 in Carrollton is planning to celebrate.

The post, located at 1790 Stripling Chapel Rd in Carrollton was chartered on March 19, 1935. The organization as a whole traces its roots to March 15-17, 1919, in Paris, France, in the aftermath of World War I. The American Legion was federally chartered on Sept. 16, 1919, and quickly became an influential force at the national, state and local levels, dedicated to service to veterans, strong national defense, youth and patriotism.

A year after it was formed, The American Legion had chartered more than 5,400 local posts that continue to operate today.(Post 60 was formed in Carrollton but closed in the depths of the “Great Depression”)  Since then it has grown to more than 13,000 posts around the world, and more than 2.2 million wartime-veteran members. Throughout its first century, The American Legion built a legacy on such accomplishments as leading the way to create U.S. Flag Code, helping start the Veterans Administration, drafting and getting passed the Servicemen’s Readjustment Act of 1944 – the GI Bill – which transformed America in the second half of the 20th century, and helping veterans receive benefits for health-care conditions based on their honorable service, including acceptance of Agent Orange exposure as service-connected. Today, The American Legion has nearly 3,000 accredited service officers worldwide who assist veterans with their benefits claims and other concerns.

Post 143, was formed by 30 WWI veterans in March 1935, currently numbers 190 members plus 74 in the affiliated American Legion Auxiliary and Sons of The American Legion. Among those whose lives have been touched by Post 143 are: Veterans receiving assistance with VA forms, emergency assistance, funeral flag services, and memorials at Carroll County Veterans Memorial Park.—  Children and youth through Boys/Girls State participation, Special Olympics,  Carroll County annual Heritage Days for 1400 4th graders, and the Junior Shooting Sports Program.— Patriotism by presenting the Colors at parades, Respect for the Flag programs at local schools, and Respect for the Flag demonstration at Heritage Days

“The American Legion Family of Carrollton is excited to share both the legacy and the vision of our organization, Post 143 Commander Joe Harrod said. “We’ve done a lot of good, and intend to keep doing it for a second century and we hope that the people of Carroll County will join us in the events planned for our celebration.”

Sunday Feb 10 —- Four Chaplain’s Ceremony by Sons of American Legion SQ 143

Wednesday Feb 27— Carrollton HS Baseball “Veteran’s Night” First Pitch                  

Thursday March 21 —– Legion Birthday Party (at the regular meeting)

Saturday March (TBD) –Open House at the Legion Room displaying our history

Thursday April 18 – Auxiliary Birthday Party (at the regular meeting)

Saturday May 25 — Memorial Day Event at CCVMP – Past National Commander Dale Barnett will be the speaker

Saturday May 25 — BBQ sandwich lunch at the Legion Room following the Event —- For Post 143 Family, Guest Legion members, and Dignitaries

Saturday May 25  — Free entertainment  at the Carrollton Amp sponsored by Post 143 during the early evening

Thursday July 4 —The People’s Parade will feature the 100th Anniversary of the Legion —- Post 143 will be the Grand Marshal  and include other  Posts, Military vehicles, Local ROTC units AND Antique Cars carrying Legionaries 

Thursday July 4 — Sounds of Liberty CSO concert and fireworks —- 100th will be featured.


American Legion Post 143 is celebrating the 100th anniversary of the American Legion during 2019 and is looking for descendants of the 20 WWI veterans who signed the Chatter on March 19, 1935.  Anyone related to one of the men listed please call Bob Hilliard 770-838-0249.


Grover C Turner                              Ralph Meeks                                      Frank J Searcy

 Claude K Boroughs                          Thomas J Camp                                Larry Y Strickland

 James O Burson                                Lewis L Combs                                 Willis A King

 Joseph L Ivester                                Posy S Griffin                                    Olin G Moore

 Nathan C Shackelford                      William A Knight                              Cecil C Bean

 James M Hurst                                  Buford F Boykin                               Eunice E Cox

 Larry F Beck                                     Homer L Barker                               Vergil P Carmichael

 Emmett E Stallings                            Jim Smith                                           Henry L Bowen

 Guy A Saxon                                     Emmett M West                                M Luther Johnson

 R Lynn Lovvorn                               Daniel Robinson                                John Marvin Spruill


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