Daily Reports




(UPDATE) Senator says new Northwest Georgia Logistics Corridor will most likely have no input on potential Carrollton bypass… but a former senator does confirm that a new highway that would start near LaGrange and would by-pass Carrollton has been discussed at state level

District 31 State Senator Jason Anavitarte on Friday told WLBB Radio that the recent approval of Senate Resolution 158 that created ‘the Northwest Georgia Logistics Corridor’ as an official logistics growth corridor – will most likely not have any benefit for – or association with a potential highway being considered that would begin near LaGrange and bypass Carrollton. Anavitarte is listed as a sponsor for SR 158.

While the newly formed corridor was not designed to assist the potential highway, former district 30 State Senator Mike Dugan on Friday confirmed that everything he discussed with WLBB Radio regarding the potential highway and Carrollton bypass back in 2022– was accurate then and to the best of his knowledge remains accurate today.

The NGLC would be composed of communities in all of Carroll, Chattooga, Douglas, Floyd, Haralson, Heard, Paulding, Polk, and Walker counties. Anivitarte said the resolution was created so that leaders of the communities can work together for the future of the region.

Back to the potential bypass… In May of 2022 – during an interview with WLBB Radio – then-State Senate Majority Leader Mike Dugan told News Director Colin Worthington – that the state of Georgia could soon consider building a new bypass in West Georgia that would encourage heavier traffic and tractor-trailers to avoid U-S Highway 27 and the city of Carrollton; and, at that time – he said the state could begin discussing plans for the new bypass as early as 2023.

As of today, WLBB Radio cannot independently confirm that GDOT has or is at this time discussing the development of the potential highway/ bypass.

A new bypass could be especially beneficial with the completion of the West Georgia Inland Port in LaGrange – that is expected to be operational sometime between the end of 2026 and the beginning of 2027.

That port will connect LaGrange to the port in Savannah via CSX Rail. The port will help distribute foods that come into Georgia via ships at the port of Savannah. Goods stored at the LaGrange Port would then be sent out locally or distributed throughout the southeast via truck.

Dugan in 2022 said – “So, it is obvious haulers are going to look at Highway 27 to go both east to 75/85… and north to I-20. What I do not want to do is wait until we have traffic problems to look at how to divert that traffic around Carrollton on Highway 27.

At that time, the former District 30 state senator said he believed a bypass would be more beneficial on the west side of Carrolton – “…because the traffic corridor between Villa Rica and Carrollton on the east is already heavily traveled. “But,” he did add, “…we will obviously leave the final decision up to the experts and engineers at the Georgia department of Transportation.”

Owners of property in the counties listed in the Northwest Georgia Logistics Corridor – potentially impacted by any definitive plans eventually shared by GDOT – should be aware – the constitution of Georgia and the constitution of the United States provides that private property may be acquired for public purposes and that just compensation be paid for all property so acquired.

If your entire property is needed – GDOT documents state “you will be offered the fair market value of the entire property. If only a part of your property is needed, you will be offered the fair market value of that part to be acquired plus any damages accruing to the remaining property.”

Georgia law provides that the department of transportation can initiate a condemnation suit under eminent domain proceedings.


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