Carrollton Police are reviewing surveillance video to determine who moved a number of traffic-control barrels over the weekend placed at a future project site on Bankhead Highway. City Manager Tim Grizzard said the barrels were moved into traffic lanes and speculated that moving the barrels could be a simple prank. He also admitted it could be a minor protest against the controversial beautification project planned for that strip of Bankhead Highway.
Either way, he said his biggest concern is the danger that moving the heavy barrels may cause for drivers.
“It was discovered Saturday morning that the barrels had been moved and had blocked a lane. We asked the police to investigate this morning and they have been pulling video from commercial establishments along Bankhead and they have pretty clear video of someone moving those barrels at about 10:30 Friday night,” said Grizzard.
“We hope to be able to find out who did this and why they did this. It is a big deal for a layman to move those barrels around. It creates a significant danger for people traveling in those lanes. Somebody could get killed; it is a very serious matter.”
The first of three phases for the Bankhead project began this summer between Cedar Street and Thomas Newell Way. The entire project will stretch to Lake Carroll and is expected to take approximately two years.