While driving around Carroll County this month you might notice pinwheels placed in front of various schools and office buildings. This is to bring attention to Child Abuse Awareness Month.
“We’re hoping that these pin wheels can start this conversation and maybe have someone reach us to see what they can do to become more knowledgeable of child abuse prevention,” said Prevention Coordinator with the Carroll County Child Advocacy Center, Taylar Jackson.
While we may think that this is an issue for bigger cities, Carroll, Haralson and Heard counties had 250 cases of child abuse in 2017. Jackson said the child Advocacy Center also offers free classes for adults to help spot victims of child abuse called the Stewards of Children training.
“Adults learn how to identify, respond to responsibly and prevent child abuse. Just having this knowledge can prevent these unfortunate incidents from happening.”
This Friday is “Wear Blue Day” in the state of Georgia in order to support child abuse awareness.