Daily Reports




Haralson County Middle School Earns National Certificate for STEM Excellence

This program provides a research-based support system for campuses and teachers seeking to strengthen STEM instruction and outcomes.

Haralson County Middle School is the only school in Haralson County to earn the National Certificate for STEM Excellence (NCSE) – Campus Certification from the National Institute for STEM Education (NISE). The NCSE recognizes individual school campuses for their commitment to and systematic support of teachers’ understanding and use of high-impact, evidence-based STEM instructional strategies.

Headquartered in Houston, Texas, NISE was conceived by seasoned, practicing educators and is based on thousands of hours of research, professional development, curriculum design, and educational leadership. Using an online platform and supported by a dedicated NISE STEM leadership coach, educators and instructional leaders work together to refine school operations and instruction to further strengthen STEM practices and the campusÂ’s overall STEM culture.

As part of earning the NCSE – Campus Certification, six educators also earned the National Certificate for STEM Teaching (NCST), further contributing to the school’s collective STEM expertise.

“The professional learning piece of the certification challenged all teachers to shift their mindsets and allow students to take ownership of their learning through critical thinking and communication strategies. The campus certification is simply a celebrated jewel in the crown of the efforts of an already outstanding STEM culture that has been deliberately cultivated at our school,” says the county’s first STEM Certified teacher, Amber Crumbley.

Haralson County Middle School, a rural Title I school, has shown innovation in developing cross-curricular problem-solving and collaborative skills in their students. Teachers incorporate these skills into their daily lessons to prepare a workforce that meets the demands of local employers and the 21st Century. It is the only STEM certified school in the county.

About the National Institute for STEM Education
NISE is a research-based support system for campuses and teachers seeking to strengthen STEM instruction and outcomes. Based on 15 STEM Teacher Actions that evolved from STEM professional development originally created at Rice University, NISEÂ’s Campus and Teacher Certificates help school leaders and teachers understand and apply research and best practices in STEM, 21st-century learning, and professional development. For information, visit


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