Daily Reports




Community Foundation of West Georgia Issues $324,600 to 31 Local Nonprofit Organizations

A total of 31 nonprofit organizations in Carroll, Haralson and Heard counties received $324,600 today from the Community Foundation of West Georgia’s Community Impact Fund and Innovation Grant programs.

“The Community Impact Fund is unrestricted in its power to unleash the potential of all kinds of agencies, causes and area of interest here in our community,” said Kim Jones, president of the Foundation.  “The fund is made possible by many generous donors, and because the fund is endowed, every donation not only contributes once, but the contribution grows and continues to give forever.”

Since the first grants were issued from the Community Impact Fund in 2004, more than $5 million has been distributed to local organizations, including the Innovation Grants.  Funds are distributed through an annual competitive grant process as six panels of local citizens consider requests, assist the Foundation in the review and analysis of the applications and make recommendations to the Foundation Board of Directors.  Local nonprofit organizations, faith-based and government agencies are eligible to apply for grants, supporting art and culture, economic development, education, environmental, human services, medical and hospice.

Innovation Grants Program

The Innovation Grants program is designed to inspire and support problem solving in the community.  The selected grantees receive funds, renewable up to three years, to implement their project ideas, creating models of innovation for the entire community. 

This year $52,680 was given through the Innovation Grants program to three local nonprofit organizations.

The University of West Georgia/UGA Center for Economic Education received a grant for a financial wellness program, which will include the recruitment and training of volunteers.  Its goal is to provide financial wellness information designed for people who are precariously housed and financially insecure. 

The Carroll County Child Advocacy Center, Inc. received a grant for the Families Are Stronger Together program, in which families will learn skills and receive individualized support to increase psychological and physiological safety within the family.  The goal is to increase the likelihood of creating a permanent home and resiliency in the face of any future adversity.

Your Haven in Haralson County received a grant for the development of support services such as GED classes, job placement services, marketing, volunteer development.  A program with the Haralson County Sheriff’s office and Haralson County jail will prepare inmates for their release with a recovery plan in place.

What the 2022 Community Impact Fund Grants Will Fund

This year a total of $271,920 was granted from the Community Impact Fund to 31 nonprofit organizations in Carroll, Haralson and Heard Counties.

Arts & Culture

Carroll County Veterans Memorial Park Association will expand the park.

Carroll Symphony Orchestra will expand the Discover Music program.

The Carrollton Center for the Arts will host The Arts Festival of Carrollton and celebrate 20 years of art impact in West Georgia.

The Southeastern Quilt and Textile Museum will overhaul its website with new features.

The Townsend Center for the Performing Arts will offer an art education series for STEM, history and literature for Carroll County schools.

Economic Development

Carroll County Economic Development will support a youth leadership program to develop future community leaders.

West Georgia Regional Library System will use the grant to hire a part-time graduate assistant for the WGRLS partnership with the Center for Economic Education and Financial Literacy to establish a economic development hub.


Carrollton Kiwanis Club will purchase Dr. Seuss books for local third graders.

Ferst Readers of Carroll County and Ferst Readers of Haralson County will provide books for children who might not have access to reading material.

Heard County Community Partnership will continue its initiative to break cycles of low education attainment for Heard County youth.

Learning Always Means Progress, Inc. (LAMP) will fund a drawing of gift cards to students with no unexcused absences, tardies and disciplinary referrals in Haralson County schools. 

Partners Advancing Student Success (PASS) will offer tutoring for students at risk of dropping out of high school.

University of West Georgia Foundation – Rural Learners will provide innovation learning opportunities to rural learners in the West Georgia region.

Environmental Improvement

City of Carrollton will increase the tree coverage in the downtown area.

Keep Carroll Beautiful, Inc. received funds for the 2022 fall/2023 spring “Hard to Recycle Materials” collections.

Keep Haralson Beautiful received funds for its tire recycling program.

Human Services

Bremen Food & Clothing Bank, Inc. will replace walk-in freezers with chest freezers and renovate storage rooms.

Carroll County Child Advocacy Center will add UV protectant one-way privacy film to 10 front windows to increase safety.

Carroll County Emergency Shelter will purchase new mattresses.

Circles of West Georgia will provide training, community support and resources to move people out of poverty.

House of Cherith received funds for the HOC West residential recovery program to help women and children reclaim their lives from trauma of sexual abuse and exploitation.

The Salvation Army of Carrollton will provide financial and human need assistance to Carroll County’s under-served and disadvantaged population.

St. Margaret’s Community Outreach will provide general assistance to those in need.

St. Vincent DePaul, Our Lady of Perpetual Help will address housing and food insecurity by providing direct assistant to individuals and families in need.

Medical & Hospice

Be the Light Medical Missions will provide a free medical mobile clinic for local uninsured and underinsured.

Carroll Sav-a-Life, Inc./Pregnancy Resource Center will offer infant/toddler CPR and first aid in its Parenting Plus program.

Rapha Clinic will purchase new technology equipment for an aggressive diabetic management program for the underserved.

THS Emergency Shelter will provide financial assistance for documented medical conditions.

A total of 31 nonprofit organizations in Carroll, Haralson and Heard counties received $324,600 today from the Community Foundation of West Georgia’s Community Impact Fund and Innovation Grant programs on November 16.  Funds are distributed through an annual competitive grant process as six panels of local citizens consider requests, assist the Foundation in the review and analysis of the applications and make recommendations to the Foundation Board of Directors.  Local nonprofit organizations, faith-based and government agencies are eligible to apply for grants, supporting art and culture, economic development, education, environmental, human services, medical and hospice.


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