Daily Reports




Carroll County Government Details Emergency Resolution

The Carroll County Board of Commissioners held a meeting this morning via teleconference to discuss actions that need to be taken regarding COVID-19. The Order set forth and voted on unanimously is to impose social distancing requirements and to prohibit public and private gatherings of more than ten people. The Order in its entirety is attached in a PDF link provided in this post and will answer most questions you may have as a citizen or business owner, however, we have included a section that will more than likely answer all the frequently asked questions within the post.
Section 4 of the Order: All public and private gatherings of more than ten (10) people occurring outside a household or living unit are prohibited. Nothing in this Order prohibits the gathering of members of a household or living unit. This prohibition shall not apply to the following:
a. Employers and employees gather at their place of work;
b. Grocery Stores, convenience stores, gas stations, hardware stores, department stores, building supply stores, and the like;
c. Hospitals, doctorsÂ’ offices, and other health care facilities; or
d. and “Essential Critical Infrastructure Workforce” as defined by the United States Department of Homeland Security.
Section 5 of the Order: Any public and private gatherings of people occurring outside a household or living unit may be prohibited or suspended upon execution of a “Declaration of Emergency Powers” signed by the Chairman of the Carroll County Board of Commissioners.
Section 6 of the Order: All bars, restaurants, or businesses who sell food or beverages for consumption on premises or provide entertainment on premises shall be closed to in-person dining, consumption of alcohol, or entertainment until the expiration of this resolution, subject to the following:
a. Bars, restaurants, and other businesses who sell food may offer food for take-away or for customers to eat somewhere other than at the establishment.
b. Businesses affected by these closures shall establish systems that restrict in-person contact as much as possible. Such processes may include the business taking the food to the customerÂ’s vehicle rather than the customer coming inside the business.
c. Furthermore, business shall ensure that all onsite consumption of food is prohibited, and that employees and contractors of the business maintain at least 6 feet of personal distance between themselves as much as possible given the physical constraints of the premises.
d. If a restaurant is LICENSED to sell beer, wine, and/or distilled spirits for on-premises consumption, such business during the efficacy of this resolution only shall be authorized to sell UNOPENED containers of beer, wine, and distilled spirits for take-out consumption off-premises.
The full Order can be accessed by clicking the following link: Carroll County Government Details Emergency Resolution
Remember, the more people not having contact, the quicker this virus can be contained and we can look ahead to much brighter days sooner rather than later. Carroll County is strong, it is united, and we will make it through this time together.


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