Raising Backyard Chickens – Homesteading Series – July 10

Raising Backyard Chickens Learn the basics of having chickens on your homestead with Ag Agent Paula Burke. Wednesday, July 10 5:30 pm – 7 pm At Carroll County Ag Center 900 Newnan Road, Carrollton $20 and includes materials, door prizes, and dinner. Call 770-836-8546 to register.
The Future is Now: Tanner Celebrates Cancer Center Construction Completion

Tanner Health invited former patients, staff, donors and construction teams to cut the ribbon on its ambitious renovation and expansion of the Roy Richards, Sr. Cancer Center. The project transformed the 16,000-square-foot cancer center into a 21,000-square-foot premier destination for care. The cancer center opened as Tanner Radiation Center in 1989, later renamed for Roy […]
West Georgia Technical College Hosts Annual Haas Demo Day

CARROLLTON, GA – West Georgia Technical College (WGTC) recently hosted Haas Factory Outlet for the Georgia Haas Demo Day in the state-of-the-art Gene Haas Precision Machining Lab at its Carroll Campus. The event, which attracted participants from all over Georgia and surrounding states, showcased the latest advancements in manufacturing technology and gave attendees the opportunity […]