Central High School students awarded Carroll EMC Scholarships

Pictured from left to right is Central High School Assistant Principal and Athletic Director Mr. Chuck Robinson, Haven Lester, and Carroll EMC Representative Mr. Rolando Benitez. Not pictured is Lorelei Daugherty. (Carrollton, Georgia). Central High School seniors were awarded $1,000 scholarships from the Carroll EMC Foundation. Haven Lester and Lorelei Daugherty were recipients of the […]
Villa Rica hires new Deputy City Manager, Community Development Director

(City of Villa Rica Media Release) The Villa Rica City Council on Tuesday approved the hiring of two new city officers during the regular May council meeting. Diana DeSanto, formerly of the City of Acworth, will serve as Villa Rica’s new Deputy City Manager beginning in June. Nina Shabazz, formerly an employee of Gwinnett County, […]