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Labor Force and Number of Employed up in West Georgia

Labor Force and Number of Employed up in West Georgia

The Majority of Georgia’s Regional Commissions See Slight Uptick in Unemployment Georgia Labor Commissioner Bruce Thompson said Thursday that most of Georgia’s Regional Commissions reported a rise in June unemployment rates, except for the Atlanta and Southwest Georgia Regional Commissions, which reported unchanged unemployment rates.  “The bedrock of a thriving economy lies in maintaining low […]

Carroll County BOE Sets Tentative Millage Rate

Carroll County BOE Sets Tentative Millage Rate

At a July 26 called meeting, the Carroll County Board of Education voted to set the tentative millage rate at the current rate of 17.5 mills. This tentative rate will allow the board to further examine district needs and garner taxpayer input at three public meetings before setting a final millage rate for 2023. Maintaining […]

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