Carroll EMC Scholarship

CARROLLTON, GA – Carrollton High School seniors, from left, Heaven Copeland, Kelly Duarte and Evin Galvez were awarded scholarships through Carroll Electric Membership Corp.’s “Operation Round Up” program. At left is Dr. Karen Curtis, who represented Carroll EMC, at the 36th annual CHS Academic Awards program April 21 at the Joshua Mabry Center for the […]
Delta Sigma Theta Scholarship

CARROLLTON, GA – Carrollton High School senior Ashley Holston received the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Scholarship, presented April 21 at the 36th annual CHS Academic Achievement Awards Program at the Joshua Mabry Center for the Arts. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. is a private non-profit organization whose purpose is to provide assistance and support through […]
Ed Dunagan Memorial Healthcare Scholarship

Carrollton High School senior Crystal Udombon was awarded the Ed Dunagan Memorial Healthcare Scholarship at the 36th annual CHS Academic Awards program April 21 at the Joshua Mabry Center for the Arts. Dunagan was a registered nurse at Tanner Medical Center who succumbed to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), often referred to as “Lou Gehrig’s Disease.” […]
Dr. T.E. Reeve Scholarship

Carrollton High School senior John Van Valen was awarded the Dr. T.E. Reeve Scholarship at the 36th annual CHS Academic Awards program April 21 at the Joshua Mabry Center for the Arts. Carrollton Surgical Group awards the scholarship each year to honor the memory of Dr. Reeve, a longtime physician and supporter of Carrollton City […]
West Georgia Cardiology Healthy Heart Scholarship

CARROLLTON, GA – Dr. Charlie Rouse and West Georgia Cardiology offer the annual Healthy Heart Essay Contest for area high school seniors. Students write essays focusing on how to have a healthier heart. The essays are judged on ideas, style, organization and conventions. This year marks the 20th Healthy Heart Essay Contest, in which a […]
’Bama Club Scholarship

CARROLLTON, GA – The West Georgia Chapter of the University of Alabama Alumni Association, also known as The Bama Club of West Georgia, presents a scholarship to an incoming 2022 University of Alabama freshman. This year’s recipient is Karly Lawler. The award was presented by Linnie Dortch at the 36th annual CHS Academic Awards program […]
Fairfield Plantation Scholarship

CARROLLTON, GA – The Fairfield Plantation Women’s Club members Lynn Hopdapp, left, and Nancy Hannon presented Jennie Curtis a scholarship at the 36th annual CHS Academic Awards program April 21 at the Joshua Mabry Center for the Arts. The awards go to seniors who live in the Fairfield Plantation community and who attend schools in […]
Widener Dentistry Scholarship

CARROLLTON, GA – The Widener Family Dentistry Scholarship was established in 2020 by Dr. Craig and Mrs. Kimberely Widener, pictured with this year’s recipient, Rachel Street. The scholarship honors a student who exhibits a passion for the field of healthcare. This award is presented to seniors who successfully completed all three courses of the Healthcare […]
Documents Show Two Prior Allegations Of Inappropriate Communications with Teenage Girls Against Former Officer Charged With Child Molestation

According to documents obtained from the City of Carrollton last week the Carrollton Police Department had conducted two internal investigations over the last six years into allegations that former officer Jerric Gilbert had inappropriate communications with teenage girls. Neither of those allegations involved inappropriate physical contact and internal investigations determined the complaints were unfounded. The […]
Georgia Environmental Protection Division Announces Annual Ban on Open Burning 

Beginning May 1, the Georgia Environmental Protection Division (EPD) open burning ban will be in effect for 54 Georgia counties. The open burning ban has been in place during the summer ozone season since 2005. The ban prohibits citizens and businesses from burning yard and land-clearing debris during the summer ozone season, which runs […]