Tanner Removes Tents from Hospital Campuses

Tanner Health System is taking its first steps toward a return to normal operations as it begins to remove the external care tents on its hospital campuses in Carrollton, Villa Rica and Bremen. The tents were erected outside the emergency departments at Tanner Medical Center/Carrollton, Tanner Medical Center/Villa Rica and Higgins General Hospital in Bremen […]
District Attorney Says 31-Count Indictment/ Case Against Haralson County Chair Ridley “Will Have To Be Dismissed”

Due to recent rulings by the Georgia Court of Appeals and the Georgia Supreme Court in a nearly identical South Georgia case, the case against Ronald Ridley and Mary Ellen Layton will have to be dismissed, according to District Attorney, Jack Browning. Ridley, along with Mary Ellen Layton, had been charged in a multi-count Haralson County Grand […]